Not your traditional beauty blog. But then again, it kind of is.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


To whomever is reading this, 

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to come check out my blog. This is the first time I've ever done something like this- writing a public blog- but I hope you enjoy my rambling. 

First, let me start by introducing myself.

My name is Allison Isbell (maiden name Shrum), and I am a professionally trained makeup artist! I graduated from the advanced program at the Academy of Make Up Arts in Nashville, Tennessee. I then married my best friend and moved to southern New Mexico to my first Air Force base! It's been a big change, not only location-wise, but also adjusting to this new lifestyle and this new area. But I'm very optimistic, and I'm excited to see where this journey will take us. 

As I mentioned earlier, I am a makeup artist. Makeup is my passion. I don't know what I would do without makeup. It's my way of expressing myself. I love to try out different colors and to be creative, but there's also something so beautiful in having a natural face. I see makeup as an art. My brushes are my tools, and makeup is my paint to create whatever I want. 

This blog will be a little bit of everything, but all under one central theme. It is a "beauty blog." I will hopefully try to post at least once, maybe twice, a week. I will post things along the lines of my favorite makeup brands, the looks for the season, some helpful makeup tips, and maybe even a tutorial or two. 

So stick with me, this should be interesting.



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